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Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25, 2013

hey jammers,
Today we have some BIG news around Jamaa.  Lets get started.  Wait! Why am I in big letter  caps!

ok... Si, si. So today, lets start with new Items like a always do.
Ok first, They have to be together to work...
The tomato and planting plot!
Ok the tomato is 350 gems and the plot is 250. Wiat! Wait! you can get these at the regular den item store.

Now to some cool news!  Lets say this, " I Think, just think it is going to be in the future".  Here we go... Its the like.... Um... a cool band items I think!
Ok I will read it to you, "You've got a ticket to Jamaa's newest party! The JAM SESSION is the only place where you can grab your BUDDIES, head to the STAGE, and make cool MUSIC with the different INSTRUMENTS!"
So that is what it says, ooh and it just came today not the futrue. Sorry!  Here is what the bar looks like.
Ok, so now let do some bad news... The Rinos, Elephants and giraffes are leaving for good!(I am pretty Sure) See?

OK, let me read it to you.  "In the wild, animals constantly TRAVEL, from small trips to huge migrations. And just like the wild animals, the ELEPHANTS, RHINOS AND GIRAFFES of jamaa have decided to spend some time TRAVELING!

On MAY 23rd, Jammers will  no longer be able to to make new elephants, rhinos and giraffes! You will still be able to to play as any of them that you have, but YOU ONLY HAVE A FEW WEEKS to make one of these great animals before they begin their travels!"

Ok, now some very, very, very happy news! THE SUMMER CARNIVAL IS COMING!!!!!!
Don't look at the grow yo garden thing. So... Yay! (It is my first time)

Last of all, Its a Contest!

A photo contest! You can take your photo at a photo booth for 50 gems and save it on yo computer.
Thank You!


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